Wayne Housley to Denise Housley

Wayne Housley to Denise Housley

Aunt Denise,

You were taken into the hospital February 24 after a fall and couldn’t walk. After first testing negative for coronavirus, you tested positive for it and pneumonia.

I talked to you and prayed for you that Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 

You were talking well and feeling a little better and we even got my whole family on the phone with you.

We heard Monday morning your organs were failing. We wanted to pray for you with you on the phone. The nurse from the ICU set up the phone so you could hear, but then told us “she’s crashing” and hung up.

We send our love and we miss you.

Minister Wayne Housley

Brenda Council, Nashira Council, and Kadriea Porter to Alreda Cain-Carter

Brenda Council, Nashira Council, and Kadriea Porter to Alreda Cain-Carter

I Will

By Nashira Council

As read by Brenda Council

I will be strong for you; I will carry on for you.

I will be the air around you; and the grass you walk through.

I will help guide you when you feel alone.

I will hold you through the good days;

I will lift you up in the hard days.

I am with you no matter the space. 

For I lived in love, learned with courage, and stood with strength.

I will be the memory and the spirit for you.

I will be with you in memory,

For my will now runs through you as you continue to live.

Be the bold, be the courageous, and be the love I gave you.

For I will hold you all close in my heart


Love always and forever.

Below: Kadriea Porter to Alreda Cain- Carter