Jenny Allen to Bill Strachan
You have been the one guiding force in my life I have relied on to steer me in the right direction, even when you weren’t aware of it.
You’ve always downplayed your role in raising four responsible, successful adults, but you should know that everything I have accomplished has been because I thought about what I was doing and whether or not it would make you proud.
I have carried you with me every day, framing every trip I’ve taken, every book I’ve read, every new and exciting food I’ve tried and thinking about how I would describe it to you. I will always do this, because I want you to see all that is wonderful in this world and how you’ve made it possible for me to experience it.
We will make sure Mom has everything she needs and that she is surrounded by love, just as she was every day with you. I love you always and forever, Daddy.
Jenny Allen